by Linda Ratcliff
Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.
– Unknown
Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So what do you think about the most? What’s close to your heart? For many of you – it’s all about your dulcimer and dulcimer music, dulcimer events, dulcimer friends, dulcimer accessories. Here’s a little test to check your dulci-meter.
You might be hooked on dulcimers if …
- When you get in the car, you pop in a dulcimer CD.
- You have a 10” 3-ring binder full of tabs for your favorite tunes.
- Before you step out the door, you have pick up your dulcimer and play a minute or two.
- You get cranky if you can’t find time to play your dulcimer.
- When friends come over, they have to listen to you play your dulcimer.
- If your spouse says, “Let’s take a trip,” you google “Dulcimer Festivals.”
- Every time you go to a dulcimer festival, you buy more dulcimer books, accessories, and CDs.
- The majority of (all?) your FB friends are people who play the dulcimer and you follow all the dulcimer groups.
- If you play hammered dulcimer, you have 25 sets of hammers.
- You’ve watched every single YouTube video with a dulcimer in it.
- You own a mountain dulcimer, a chromatic dulcimer, a dulci-bro, a bass dulcimer, a courting dulcimer … you get the idea.
Now this is just my personal opinion but, as far as addictions go, this isn’t a bad one to have. But that’s because I had to answer “yes” to … well … to be honest … just about every one of those questions. I think Steve would answer “yes” to quite a few as well. What about you?
Happy dulcimering,