by Steve Eulberg In our first LiveStream learning session, Steve covered capos and key changing for chromatic instruments (guitar) and diatonic instruments (mountain dulcimer) in this 60 minute session. (Click on the video above to watch for a refresher, if you weren’t able to be present live.) Here is the Handout for Guitar-Friendly Keys Here […]
Capos and Key Changing Things…
Steve Eulberg will host a Live Stream conversation tomorrow morning (April 1–no fooling!) . 8 am PDT = 9 am MDT = 10 am CDT = 11 am EDT. The Live Stream will take place here: In response to the question of a DulcimerCrossing member about capos when used on guitars…we will have a […]
Leap Forward with Matthew Dickerson today!
National Hammered Dulcimer Champion and DulcimerCrossing instructor, Matthew Dickerson, will share his knowledge and experience ….
Leap Forward Week 3
Leap Forward Week 3 Aeolian
New Theory Quiz
Comparing the Ionian and Dorian modes…
Protected: Leap Forward Week 2 Homework
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