(Our family visited the Holocaust Museum on two different days while in Washington, DC, just after “Mission Accomplished” showed that saying it is so doesn’t make it so.)
7-1/2 tones of hair
from “liberated” scalps
The mobile killing squads
the systematic brutality
when we are scared
we readily surrender
our freedom
even our hope
for the illusion of safety.
This time,
the most touching part of the story
is to find there wer emany who resisted,
who fought,
who secreted,
who transported
Jews to safety–
The Danish flotilla,
the clergy,
the small towns….
Will my beloved little town
protect our own?
Will my neighbors band together
for the safety of the targeted?
Or will we feed our fear
by eating each other for a
breakfast of anxiety?
Breakfast of exterminators
tempted to ban
dismiss the undesirable
make another place at the table?
Listen! Organize carefully
so we never have to face
what Maja’s parents
recall in Germany.
Ask the bigger question
let your curiosity hear the buzzing alarm
and arise
the burning of books
which is unable to stifle the ideas they contain
does close the minds
of those who kindle and feed the flames.
The apathy and petty disregard…
Are we standing aside ignoring
another holocaust?
Are we beginning and conducting
another move for Lebensraum?
A glimmer of hope as the lockstep is picked:
Arizona says, “We will go Orange
only when the threat is close to us
at our own door and not before.”
Other states are bound to agree.
A bird in a bush
A bush-free bird
Gone Bush
Goin’ bush
walkabout in a bushy state
King George’s I & II
The rain is coming down
The reign is coming down
when conditions are right
the reign will always fall
will always fall.
King or Queen
Duke or Earl
Lord or Lady
Empress Impressive
Emperor Oppressive
Presidential precedent
the reign will always fall fail
will always fail
©Steven B. Eulberg