Two days ago the moving truck pulled away from our Fort Collins home of 10 years.
Yesterday after a couple of landfill/recycling/hazard waste runs, a pawn shop visit, the packing of my car with my two-weeks worth of clothes, instruments and gear, and the beautiful restoring power of the “final housecleaner”, I signed the papers to transfer ownership of the house to just the right couple who have been looking for a long time and jumped on the PRE-availability of our house on Christmas Eve.
Because I had no idea how long it would take to sell the house, I booked northern work (in North Carolina and northern Colorado) through the end of February. So, I have no home here anymore, but my spouse and our pooch are now safely ensconced in a rental house that will become our new home in San Mateo and all of our stuff is in a truck in-between us.
So, with so much stuff and a place eventually to put it, I can’t rightly say I’m homeless.
So I will say I’m on tour, based in a place I’ve never lived and have only visited a few times. But that is where my love now lives and as Valentine’s Day arrives, is where my heart beats and yearns.
Thanks to the generosity of my friend, Paul, and pets Roxy and Orra, I have a place to park in Fort Collins until the car points west to leave this wonderful home of 17 years in my rear-view mirror.
Of course, I may not be able to see it….