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French Carol: PICARDY
Traditional French Folksong, translation by George K. Evans (Luke 16:19-31)
- Jesus came in garment lowly:
“Give to me Thy charity!”
Jesus came in garment lowly:
“Give to me Thy charity!”
On the crumbs that leave they table
I shall dine most gratefully
2. “Lady, standing by your window,
“Give to me Thy charity!”
“Lady, standing by your window,
“Give to me Thy charity!”
“Come in from the old, my poor One,
I will find a meal for Thee.”
3. As he softly stepped o’re the threshold
Round Him hovered angels bright.
As he softly stepped o’re the threshold
Round Him hovered angels bright.
“Lady, pray do not be fearful—
It is but the moon’s soft light.”
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