by Steve Eulberg
These questions get asked frequently so here is a guide to help you decode the chord symbols that you may often see above the musical notation:
A Chord (by definition a triad) is made up of 3 specific pitches (1-3-5 steps of the scale.)
A Chord Symbol is short hand for which steps are intended.
1. When a Single Capital letter is used, it indicates a Major chord (no alterations in the 1-3-5 plan)
e.g. C = C-E-G
2. If there is a lower case “m” next to the Capital letter, that indicates a minor chord (1-b3-5) with the 3rdstep of the scale lowered a half step.
e.g. Cm = C-Eb-G
Any combination of these notes, grouped as close together as possible (close voicing) or as far apart as possible (dispersed voicing) still produce these chords.
3. If there is a number added to the chord symbol it indicates an additional note added to the triad:
The most common is the dominant 7(b7 step of the scale) which is so dominant we don’t even call it dominant. The next most common is 6.
e.g. C7 = C-E-G-Bb (1-3-5-b7)
e.g. C6 = C-E-G-A (1-3-5-6)
Amajor 7 chord has the regular 7thstep of the scale (also called a “leading tone”) added to the triad:
CMaj7 or CM7 or C∆7 =
C-E-G-B (1-3-5-7)
4. These numbers can also be added to the minor chords as well to indicate minor 7chords:
e.g. Cm7= C-Eb-G-Bb (1-b3-5-b7)
Cm6= C-Eb-G-A (1-b3-5-6)
e.g. Cm∆7 or CmMaj7= C-Eb-G-B (1-b3-5-7)
Sometimes a 2 is
e.g. C2 = C-D-E-G (1-2-3-5)
6. Sometimes a 9 is added:
e.g. Cadd9 = C-E-G-D (1-3-5-9)
7. A ninth chord builds on the Dominant 7thChord:
e.g. C9 = C-E-G-Bb-D (1-3-5-b7-9)
Suspended Chords
means that the 3rd
step has been replaced either by a 4 or a 2:
e.g. Csus4 = C-F-G (1-4-5)
e.g. Csus2 = C-D-G (1-2-5)
Diminished Chords
means that the 5th
step of a minor chord has been lowered a half step:
e.g. C° or Cdim= C-Eb-Gb (1-b3-b5)
Augmented Chords
mean that the 5th
step has been raised a half step:
e.g. C+ or Caug= C-E-G# (1-3-#5)
11. Slash Chords indicate a different bass note than expected. This is particularly important for Bass Players (instrument) or players of Bass parts in an ensemble:
e.g. C/D = C Chord with a D in the Bass (non-chord tone)
e.g. C/E = C Chord with an E in the Bass (chord tone, but not the
C/G= C Chord with a G in the Bass (chord tone, but not the
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