National Hammered Dulcimer Champion and DulcimerCrossing instructor, Matthew Dickerson, will share his knowledge and experience ….
Concise Guide to Chord Symbols
by Steve Eulberg These questions get asked frequently so here is a guide to help you decode the chord symbols that you may often see above the musical notation: A Chord (by definition a triad) is made up of 3 specific pitches (1-3-5 steps of the scale.) A Chord Symbol is short hand for which […]
Chords on Chromatic by Erin Mae Lewis
Erin Mae Lewis Finding and Building chords on a Chromatic Dulcimer. In her chromatic lessons series, Erin, shows how she maps out and builds chords, both the I-IV-V chords for playing progressions, but also the rich chord additions (minors, 7ths, major 7ths, minor 7ths and 6ths, diminished, suspended and augmented) [Note: this lesson uses both […]